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Mycotoxin Prevention and Control in Agro-Products Research Team


Chief Scientist

Xing Fuguo, Ph. D, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

Research focus and objectives

Mycotoxin formation, prevention and control mechanism in agro-products;

Mycotoxin prevention and control technology in agro-products;

Develop products, equipment and industrial application of mycotoxin prevention and control in agro-products.

Facing the frontier of science and technology in the field of "mycotoxin prevention and control", the innovation team of mycotoxin prevention and control in agro-products will establish a theoretical basis and a theoretical system for the formation, prevention and control of mycotoxins in agro-products; Facing the major national needs of "food safety, increased efficiency and income, and environmental friendliness", the innovation team will innovate the technologies, and build a green, safe and efficient technical system of mycotoxin prevention and control in agro-products; Facing the main purpose of "improving the quality and efficiency of agricultural product processing industry, and upgrading the safety and quality", the innovation team will create products for the prevention and control of mycotoxin in agricultural products, improve the quality of agricultural products in China, ensure food safety, and create economic and social benefits.  


During the period from the “11th Five-Year Plan” to the “13th Five-Year Plan”, our innovation team has undertaken more than 30 scientific research projects, such as National Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program), National Key Research and Development Project, Public Welfare Industry (Agricultural) Scientific Research Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and National Science and Technology Support Program. Our innovation team has won 3 provincial and ministerial awards including the Second Prize of China Agricultural Science and Technology. We published more than 140 research papers (highest impact factor 25.81), had 35 authorized national invention patents, have edited and participated in 6 books; participated in the formulation of 2 international standards and revised 1 national standard.