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Root and Tuber Crops Food Science and Technology Innovation Team


Chief Scientist

Sun Hongnan, Ph. D, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

Research Contents

1. Green manufacturing of bio-based materials

2. Root and tuber crop food processing

3. Postharvest preservation and quality control of root and tuber crops


1. Won Shennong China Agricultural Science and Technology Award, and Science and Technology Innovation Award of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology owing to “Research and application of key technologies for high-value utilization of by-products in root and tuber crops processing”.

2. Won the Outstanding Science and Technology Innovation Award of CAAS, and Science and Technology Award of Chinese Cereals and Oils Association owing to “Accurate design of quality improvers for fermented staple foods and creation of its series products”.

3. Led more than 70 projects from National Key R&D Program of China, Special Fund Project for Asian Region Cooperation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Natural Science Foundation, etc.

4. Published 271 academic papers, authorized 61 invention patents, formulated and revised 7 national/industry/group standards, edited 35 books, and won 23 provincial level and social support awards.

5. Established cooperative relationship with 35 research institutions from Laos, Vietnam, Argentina, France, etc., and led the establishment of “Lancang-Mekong Cooperative R&D Platform for Root and Tuber Crops”.
