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硕博士研究生招生专业:食品科学          研究方向:食品化学与营养


孙红男,博士,研究员,博士生导师,现任中国农业科学院薯类食品科学与技术创新团队首席、国家甘薯产业技术体系副产物综合利用岗位科学家兼任中国粮油学会常务理事、中国粮油学会薯类分会会长、中国农学会食物与营养专业委员会委员、中国食品科学技术学会果蔬加工技术分会第三届委员会委员、《核农学报》编委等职务。长期从事薯类加工与副产物综合利用领域的研究工作,在薯类加工适宜性评价与专用薯种筛选、营养健康型薯类食品加工、薯类副产物高值化利用关键技术等领域取得创新性成果主持国家重点研发计划-政府间合作重点专项、亚洲合作资金专项、国家自然科学基金等科研项目11项,参与项目29以第一或通讯作者在Trends Food Sci TechCarbohyd Polym等国际知名期刊上发表论文50余篇,授权专利40余件,出版著作10部,制定国家/行业/团体标准7项;通过成果评价/鉴定7项,其中第1完成人2项,咨询专家组一致认为成果整体技术达到国际先进水平;获神农中华农业科技奖一等奖、中国农科院科技成果杰出科技创新奖、中国专利优秀奖等省部级及社会力量奖11项。




1. 薯类加工副产物高值化利用


2. 薯类食品提质增效加工


3. 薯类采后保鲜减损















12.参与亚洲合作资金项目:澜沧江-湄公河薯类加工技术与装备研发平台建设(1251610 15000200009),2020-2022年(项目骨干);









1. Future trends in the field of Pickering emulsions: Stabilizers, spray-dried microencapsulation and rehydration for food applications. Trends in Food Science &

Technology, 2024, 150: 104610.

2. Dough rheological properties, texture, and structure of high-moisture starch hydrogels with different potassium-, and calcium-based compounds. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 137: 108337.

3. Pickering emulsions with chitosan and macroalgal polyphenols stabilized by layer-by-layer electrostatic deposition. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 300: 120256.

4. Chitosan-based Pickering emulsion: A comprehensive review on their stabilizers, bioavailability, applications and regulations. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 304: 120491.

5. Preparation of cellulose nanofibers from potato residues by ultrasonication combined with high-pressure homogenization. Food Chemistry, 2023, 413: 135675.

6. Preparation of cellulose nanocrystals from purple sweet potato peels by ultrasound-assisted maleic acid hydrolysis. Food Chemistry, 2023, 403: 134496.

7. Production, identification and characterization of antioxidant peptides from potato protein by energy-divergent and gathered ultrasound assisted enzymatic hydrolysis. Food Chemistry, 2023, 405: 134873.

8. Nutritional composition, antioxidant activity, volatile compounds, and stability properties of sweet potato residues fermented with selected lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. Food Chemistry, 2022, 374: 131500.

9. Functionalization of sweet potato leaf polyphenols by nanostructured composite β-lactoglobulin particles from molecular level complexations: A review. Food Chemistry, 2022, 372: 131304.

10. Evaluation of texture, retrogradation enthalpy, water mobility, and anti-staling effects of enzymes and hydrocolloids in potato steamed bread. Food Chemistry, 2022, 368: 130686.

11. Physicochemical properties, antioxidant activities, and binding behavior of 3,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid with beta-lactoglobulin colloidal particles. Food Chemistry, 2021, 347: 129084.

12. Effect of sucrose, trehalose, maltose and xylose on rheology, water mobility and microstructure of gluten-free model dough based on high hydrostatic pressure treated starches. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 231: 123184.

13. Effects of environmental stimuli on the physicochemical and rheological properties of chitosan-macroalgal polyphenol stabilized Pickering emulsion. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 227: 1245-1257.

14. Comparative study of thermo-mechanical, rheological, and structural properties of gluten-free model doughs from high hydrostatic pressure treated maize, potato, and sweet potato starches. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 204: 725-733.

15. Fungal communities, nutritional, physiological and sensory characteristics of sweet potato under three Chinese representative storages. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2023, 201: 112366.

16. Photoprotective effects of sweet potato leaf polyphenols and caffeic acid against UV-induced skin-damage in BALB/C nude mice. Food & Function, 2022, 13: 7075.

17. Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) leaf polyphenols ameliorate hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus mice. Food & Function, 2021, 12: 4117.

18. Effect of temperature on rheological, structural, and textural properties of soy protein isolate pastes for 3D food printing. Journal of Food Engineering, 2022, 323: 110917.

19. Contribution of ultrasound and conventional hot water to the inactivation of Rhizopus stolonifer in sweet potato. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 148: 111797.

20. Effects of different Zn2+ concentrations and high hydrostatic pressures (HHP) on chlorophyll stability. Foods, 2022, 11: 2129.

21. The sustainability of sweet potato residues from starch processing by-products: preparation with Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus and Pediococcus pentosaceus, characterization, and application. Foods, 2023, 12: 128.

22. Extraction, purification, chemical characterization and antioxidant properties in vitro of polyphenols from the brown macroalga Ascophyllum nodosum. Algal Research, 2023, 70: 102989.

23. Evaluation of the chemical composition and nutritional potential of brown macroalgae commercialised in China. Algal Research, 2022, 64: 102683.

24. Phlorotannins: A review of extraction methods, structural characteristics, bioactivities, bioavailability, and future trends. Algal Research, 2021, 60: 102484.

25. Profiling of phenolic acids and flavonoids in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) leaves and evaluation of their anti-oxidant and hypoglycemic activities. Food Bioscience, 2021, 39: 100801.

26. 纤维素纳米晶制备方法及应用研究进展. 核农学报, 2022, 36: 174-182.


1. 一种纤维素纳米材料及其连续制备方法(ZL202210657575.5),2024123日;

2. 一种薯皮薯渣全利用加工方法及其制品(ZL202210657576.X),2024123日;

3. 一种降低烤薯块血糖生成指数的方法及应用(ZL202210126450.X),2024524日;

4. 一种降低薯条血糖生成指数及含油率的方法及应用(ZL202210125710.1),2024528日;

5. 一种甘薯茎叶晒后修复面膜及其制备方法(ZL202011616007.8),2022712日;

6. A novel multi-strain composite starter for flour products and use thereofEP3785546),2022928日;

7. 一种新型多菌种复合面制品发酵剂与应用(ZL201910806793.9),2021416日;

8. 一种薯类肽美拉德反应产物及其制备方法和应用(ZL202011250090.1),2022415日;

9. 一种含有薯泥的无面筋蛋白全薯类酸奶饼及其制备方法(ZL201710225142.1),2021517日;

10. 降糖降压功能粉条及其制备方法(ZL201510685369.5),2020320日;

11. 检测马铃薯主食粉或马铃薯主食中马铃薯粉含量的方法(ZL201611169113.X),2020512日。


1. 编著中国甘薯》,20213月,编,江苏凤凰科学技术出版社


1. 《马铃薯馒头加工技术规范》农业行业标准,NY/T 4278-2023

2. 《甘薯全粉》农业行业标准,NY/T 3611-2020


1. 发酵主食品质改良剂精准设计及其系列产品创制,2021中国农科院科技成果奖,第二完成人;

2. 马铃薯主食化品种筛选及加工关键技术创新与应用,2020甘肃省科技奖三等奖,第三完成人;

3. 小麦、薯类膳食纤维食品化利用技术创新与应用,2020湖北省科技奖三等奖,第五完成人;

4. 薯类主食加工关键技术研发及应用,2020年中国粮油学会科学技术奖一等奖,第二完成人;

5. 成果评价-甘薯茎叶高值化利用关键技术研发及应用,中科评字[2021]5875号,第一完成人;

6. 成果评价-优质薯条及烤薯加工关键技术研发及应用,中科评字[2022]7019号,第一完成人;

7. 成果评价-薯类鲜湿粉条加工关键新技术装备研发及应用,中科评字[2022]6489号,第二完成人。








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