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R&D and industrial application for the new product series of edible beans



    This research result won the Third-class S&T Award of Chinese Cereals and Oils Association in 2012. It uses high-quality mung bean and red bean from the main plantation area in China as the raw material, follows the idea of “Green Food, Health, Convenience, No additives, Less Waste and Whole Utilization”, adopts modern processing technology as the focus and reasonable recipe as the supplement, and developed four major new product series, namely mung bean drink, mung bean nutrition powder, red bean paste powder and red bean milk noodles. Efforts are made to add medicinal food materials to improve product flavor, guarantee nutritional balance and provide health benefits. The whole utilization approach and fine processing method is adopted to avoid loss of nutrients and improve product quality. Besides, the modern ripening, sterilization and drying technologies are adopted to guarantee the convenience and safety of food and this fits the development trend of modern food. Also, the mung bean drink, red bean paste powder and red bean milk noodle have filled the blank area in the domestic and international markets. This research result is of great significance to the effort to promote the technical upgrading of grain processing technologies, enrich the varieties of mung bean and red bean products and increase the technical content, with a view to meeting the consumers’ need for nutritional and healthy food, and bringing economic and environmental benefits to grain processing enterprises.
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