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Combinational drying technology of temperature variation, pressure change, puffing and the industrialized application of this technology



    This research result won the Second-class Award for Technical Inventions of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology in 2012. It uses fruits and vegetables, edible fungi, beans, livestock and poultry meat and fish as the raw material, adopts the drying technologies of temperature variation, pressure change, puffing, hot wind, micro wave, infrared, etc, and has established an efficient energy-conserving combinational drying technology, and developed the new dehydrated processing products of non-fried vegetable and fruit chips, dried edible fungi products, dried meat, etc. Such products have good appearance and flavors, filling the blank area in domestic and international markets. Based on the rationale of single-method drying and combinational drying, this research result has realized innovation in the combinational drying of temperature variation, pressure change and puffing, R&D of puffed ultra-fine powder and tablets, puffing equipment upgrading and renovation, puffing mechanism research, etc, and solved the common problem of low quality and high energy consumption. This result has been promoted and applied in over 10 enterprises, resulting in better efficiency for enterprises and higher incomes for agricultural households. It has brought one verified S&T research result and 8 authorized patents at the national level.