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“Automatic and Energy Saving Manufacturing Technology for High Quality Chinese Dried Noodles" won the Outstanding Science and Technology Innovation Award of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences


“Automatic and Energy Saving Manufacturing Technology for High Quality Chinese Dried Noodles" completed by Cereal Processing and Quality Control Innovation Team of Institute of Food Science and Technology won the Outstanding Science and Technology Innovation Award of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2020. This achievement, which is benefitted from a integration of Industry-Academia-Research cooperation, provides scientific and technological support for ensuring the effective supply of Chinese dried noodles.

This achievement established the evaluation models of wheat kernels and flour, developed the wheat and flour standards for making dried noodles, set up the storage methods of wheat kernels based on the origin and quality, and built the classification warehousing system of wheat in order to solve quality instability problems of raw wheat materials. The stability degree of Chinese dried noodle increased by 51% and production spoilage reduced by more than 50% after applying these methods.

An online monitoring platform of moisture content, moisture state and energy consumption was invented. "Oil immersion method" used to determine the moisture state of Chinese dried noodles was also developed, and the drying dynamic model of Chinese dried noodles was constructed. Drying room with recyclable moisture and heat was built using an automatic control technology to control the drying temperature and humidity during noodle drying. With these technologies, the moisture uniformity of dried noodles increased by 22% and the energy consumption

A vortex kneading machine, a multi-positioning calender, a flexible arc-shaped swinging noodle rack machine and three-dimensional bag automatic packaging equipment were invented. The Chinese dried noodle automatic production line (type 1500) with capacity of 100 tons/day and 25 tons/person were built. These achievements are widely applied in the noodle enterprises such as Jinshahe, Jinmailang, Yihaijiali, Keming, etc.. The economic and social benefits are significant.

The achievement had 8 national invention patents, 2 software copyrights, 1 standard, 3 books and 69 papers. It acquired the Best Student Research Paper Award twice at the Annual Meeting of the American Cereal Chemistry Society and two First prizes of Science and Technology Innovation of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology. This achievement enables the automation manufacturing of dried noodles from wheat warehousing to the delivery of dried noodles, which reached the international advanced level.