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Associate Professors

Associate Professor  


Education background

Received her Bachelor Degree of Agronomy from China Agricultural University (1985), and studied at Graduated School of CAAS during 1997-2000.

Research interest

She worked at the Institute since 1985, worked in Japan in 1993 as a STA scientist and stayed in the USA in 1995 as an IAEA fellow. Her works focus on the food preservation technology, especially the research and application of food irradiation.

Selected publications

  1. Chen Xue1Gao Meixu*,Cui Chengbi, Shen Yue,Yang Li,Xu Jing.Effect of Irradiation Using Electron Accelerator on the Weak Acid Preservatives. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2018189):210-216
  2. Shen Yue, Gao Meixu, Yang Li, Zhao Xin, Chen Xue, Wang Zhidong, Li Shurong, Wang Li. Suitability analysis of fresh-cut vegetable processing for twenty main green capsicum cultivars in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(Supp.2): 359368.
  3. Baishu Li, Meixu Gao, Bo Liu, Tianxu Li, Yuejin Wang, Guoping Zhan. Effects of irradiation of each of the five peach fruit moth (Lepidoptera: Carposinidae) instars on 5th instar weight, larval mortality and cumulative evelopmental time: A preliminary investigation. Florida Entomologist, 2016, 99( Special Issue 2):62-66
  4. SHEN Yue,LIU Chaochao,GAO Meixu,WANG Zhidong,Zhao Jie,XU Shuting.Effect of Irradiation on Quality and Bacterial Populationsin Fresh-cut Lettuce. Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, 2015, 294: 710-716


Address: No 2, Yuanmingyuan West Rd., Beijing, P.R. China

Tel: +86-10-62833881

Fax: +86-10-62833881

E-mail: meixugao@263.net