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博士招生专业:农产品质量与食物安全 研究方向:农产品质量与安全

硕士招生专业:食品科学    研究方向: 农产品质量与安全





1. 农产品/食品真实性鉴别:基于组学技术开展不同来源的农产品/食品真实性鉴别技术研究及其产品创制,实现农产品/食品真伪鉴别、种类鉴定、品质评价和溯源检测等。

2. 农产品加工过程中污染物安全控制和品质调控:研究危害因子在农产品加工过程时空分布规律及降解规律,创建高通量检测技术,探明关键控制点,创制防控技术及其设施装备;建立农产品品质评价技术,制定农产品加工过程品质调控技术规范。


1. 国家自然科学基金:基于肠道免疫调节活性的中蜂蜜真实性特征标志物识别研究(32172305),2022.01-2025.12

2. 国家农产品质量安全风险评估重大专项:蜂蜜中典型药物污染来源及其安全性风险评估报告(主要参加),2019.01-2021.12

3. 国家农产品质量安全风险评估重大专项:蜂产品质量安全风险隐患摸底排查与关键控制点评估(主要参加),2018.01-2018.12

4. 农业行业标准:蜂产品中抗病毒类药物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法,2017.01-2018.12

5. 农业行业标准制修订项目:蜂产品中抗病毒类药物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法,2017.01-2017.12

6. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费专项:蜜蜂精液中抗菌物质高通量筛查及其抗菌机理研究,2017.01-2017.12

7. 农业行业标准:蜂产品中酞丁安残留的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法2016.01-2017.12

8. 国家农产品质量安全风险评估重大专项:特质性食用农产品营养组分识别与验证评估(主要参加),2016.01-2016.12

9. 创新工程培养人才专项经费:蜂蜜中危害因子筛查方法的研究,2015.08-2015.12

10. 农业行业标准:蜂产品中氨基糖苷类药物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法,2015.01-2016.12

11. 国家农产品质量安全风险评估重大专项:蜂产品营养功能识别与安全性评估(主要参加),2015.01-2015.12

12. 国家自然科学基金:基于多维分析技术对不同蜂种蜂毒的鉴别研究(31201859),2013.01-2015.12

13. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费:蜂王浆及其冻干粉胶囊中邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂的含量分析-气相色谱质谱法,2012.01-2012.12



1. Xinran Wang, Yi Li, Lanzhen Chen*, Jinhui Zhou*, Analytical Strategies for LC-MS Based Untargeted and Targeted Metabolomics Approaches Reveal the Entomological Origins of Honey, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70, 4, 1358–1366.

2. Xinran Wang, Yunxuan Chen, Yaxi Hu, Jinhui Zhou*, Lanzhen Chen*, and Xiaonan Lu*, Systematic Review of the Characteristic Markers in Honey of Various Botanical, Geographic, and Entomological Origins, ACS Food Science & Technology, 2022, 2, 206-220.

3. Zhaolong Liu, Tianyang Xu, Jinhui Zhou*, Lanzhen Chen*, Application of stable isotopic and elemental composition combined with random forest algorithm for the botanical classification of Chinese honey, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2022, 110, 104565.

4. Liping Sun, Fengfeng Shi, Xingjiang He, Yujiao Cai, Yinglong Yu, Dan Yao, Jinhui Zhou* & Xiaoping Wei*. Establishment and application of quantitative method for 22 organic acids in honey based on SPE-GC–MS. European Food Research and Technology 2023, 249, 473–484.

5. Haiguang Tan, Feifei Sun, Mohamed F. Abdallah, Jianxun Li, Jinhui Zhou, Yi Li*, Shupeng Yang*, Background ions into exclusion list: A new strategy to enhance the efficiency of DDA data collection for high-throughput screening of chemical contaminations in food, Food Chemistry, 2022, 385, 132669

6. Feifei Sun, Haiguang Tan, Mohamed F. Abdallah, Yanshen Li, Jinhui Zhou, Yi Li, Shupeng Yang, A novel calibration strategy based on isotopic distribution for high-throughput quantitative analysis of pesticides and veterinary drugs using LC-HRMS, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 430, 128413

7. Guoxin Huang, Ning Li, Kaizhen Liu, Jiyong Yang, Shengguo Zhao, Nan Zheng, Jinhui Zhou, Yangdong Zhang, Jiaqi Wang, Effect of Flaxseed Supplementation in Diet of Dairy Cow on the Volatile Organic Compounds of Raw Milk by HS-GC–IMS, Frontiers in Nutrition. 2022,9:831178

8. Hongxia Li, Meijia Wu, Seng She, Guanghui Lin, Jinhui Zhou, Lanzhen Chen*, Study on stable carbon isotope fractionation of rape honey from rape flowers (Brassica napus L.) to its unifloral ripe honey, Food Chemistry, 2022, 386, 132754,

9. Zhendong Wang, Xinran Wang, Yuhan Wang, Cuiling Wu, Jinhui Zhou*, Simultaneous determination of five antiviral drug residues and stability studies in honey using a two-step fraction capture coupled to liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A, 2021, 1638, 461890.

10. Xinran Wang, Dave Goulson, Lanzhen Chen, Jinzhen Zhang, Wen Zhao, Yue Jin, Shupeng Yang, Yi Li, Jinhui Zhou*Occurrence of Neonicotinoids in Chinese Apiculture and a Corresponding Risk Exposure Assessment, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 8, 5021–5030.

11. Feifei Sun, Haiguang Tan, Yanshen Li, Marthe De Boevre, Huiyan Zhang*, JinhuiZhou*, YiLi*, ShupengYang*, An integrated data-dependent and data-independent acquisition method for hazardous compounds screening in foods using a single UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap run, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 401, 2021, 123266.

12. Shupeng Yang, Yuan Liu, Feifei Sun, Jinzhen Zhang, Yue Jin, Yanshen Li, Jinhui Zhou*, Yi Li*, Kui Zhu*, Gelsedine-type alkaloids: Discovery of natural neurotoxins presented in toxic honey, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 381, 2020, 120999.

13. Wenwen Zhang, Xinran Wang, Shupeng Yang, Qingsheng Niu, Liming Wu, Yi Li*, Jinhui Zhou*, Simultaneous quantification of five biogenic amines based on LC–MS/MS and its application in honeybee venom from different subspecies. Biomedical Chromatography. 2020; 34: e4740.

14. Xinran Wang, Karyne Rogers, Yi Li, Shupeng Yang, Lanzhen Chen*, Jinhui Zhou*, Untargeted and Targeted Discrimination of Honey Collected by Apis cerana and Apis mellifera Based on Volatiles Using HS-GC-IMS and HS-SPME-GC–MS, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67, 43, 12144-12152.

15. Xinran Wang, Shupeng Yang, Jinna He, Lanzhen Chen, Jinzhen Zhang, Yue Jin, Jinhui Zhou*, Yongxin Zhang, A green triple-locked strategy based on volatile-compound imaging, chemometrics, and markers to discriminate winter honey and sapium honey using headspace gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry, Food Research International, 119, 2019, 960-967.

16. Xinran Wang, ShupengYang, YiLi, JinzhenZhang, Yue Jin, Wen Zhao, Yongxin Zhang, Jingping Huang, Peng Wang, Cuiling Wu, Jinhui Zhou*, Optimization and application of parallel solid-phase extraction coupled with ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of 11 aminoglycoside residues in honey and royal jelly, Journal of Chromatography A, 1542, 23,2018, 28-36.

17. Shupeng Yang, Huiyan Zhang, Feifei Sun, Karl De Ruyck, Jinzhen Zhang, Yue Jin, Yanshen Li, Zhanhui Wang, Suxia Zhang, Sarah De Saeger, Jinhui Zhou*, Yi Li*, and Marthe De Boevre, Metabolic Profile of Zearalenone in Liver Microsomes from Different Species and Its in Vivo Metabolism in Rats and Chickens Using Ultra High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. J. Agric. Food Chem., 65(51):11292-11303

18. Shupeng Yang, Marthe De Boevre, Huiyan Zhang, Karl De Ruyck, Feifei Sun, Jinzhen Zhang, Yue Jin, Yanshen Li, Zhanhui Wang , Suxia Zhang , Jinhui Zhou*, Yi Li*, and Sarah De Saeger, Metabolism of T-2 Toxin in Farm Animals and Human In Vitro and in Chickens In Vivo Using Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole/Time-of-Flight Hybrid Mass Spectrometry Along with Online Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Technique, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2017, 65 (33), 7217–7227.

19. Yaqin Wen, Lin Wang, Yue Jin, Jinzhen Zhang, Lei Su, Xiaoling Zhang, Jinhui Zhou*, and Yi Li*, The Microbial Community Dynamics during the Vitex Honey Ripening Process in the Honeycomb, Front Microbiol. 2017 Aug 29; 8:1649.

20. Yaqin Wen, Jinzhen Zhang, Yi Li, Lanzhen Chen, Wen Zhao, Jinhui Zhou*, Yue Jin*: Characterization of Chinese Unifloral Honeys Based on Proline and Phenolic Content as Markers of Botanical Origin, Using Multivariate Analysis.2017, 17;22(5):735

21. Yi Li, Yue Jin, Shupeng Yang, Wenwen Zhang, Jinzhen Zhang, Wen Zhao, Lanzhen Chen, Yaqin Wen, Yongxin Zhang, Kaizhi Lu, Yaping Zhang, Jinhui Zhou*, Shuming Yang*: Strategy for comparative untargeted metabolomics reveals honey markers of different floral and geographic origins using ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography-hybrid quadrupole-orbitrap mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 2017; 1499, 78-89.

22. Feifei Sun, Shupeng Yang, Huiyan Zhang, Jinhui Zhou, Yi Li, Jinzhen Zhang, Yue Jin, Zhanhui Wang, Yanshen Li, Jianzhong Shen, Suxia Zhang, Xingyuan Cao: Comprehensive Analysis of Tiamulin Metabolites in Various Species of Farm Animals Using Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Quadrupole/Time-of-Flight. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2017; 65(1)., 199–207.

23. Yue Jin, Jinzhen Zhang, Wen Zhao, Wenwen Zhang, Lin Wang, Jinhui Zhou*, Yi Li*: Development and validation of a multiclass method for the quantification of veterinary drug residues in honey and royal jelly by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry 2017; 221. 1298–1307.


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2. 发明专利:犬尿喹啉酸在鉴别中蜂蜂蜜和意蜂蜂蜜中的应用ZL202010197039.2

3. 发明专利:吲哚-3-乙酸甲酯在鉴别中蜂蜂蜜和意蜂蜂蜜中的应用ZL202010197053.2

4. 发明专利:3-氨基-2-萘甲酸在鉴别中蜂蜂蜜和意蜂蜂蜜中的应用ZL202010197054.7

5. 发明专利:一种冬蜜和乌桕蜜的分类方法ZL201810607430.8

6. 发明专利:一种基于挥发性物质鉴别冬蜜和乌桕蜜的方法ZL201810607157.9

7. 发明专利:一种鉴别荔枝蜜产地的方法ZL201710058956.0

8. 发明专利:一种利用非靶标代谢组学技术鉴别蜂蜜品种的方法ZL201710058959.4

9. 发明专利:一种利用非靶标代谢组学技术鉴别洋槐蜜产地的方法ZL 201710058774.3

10. 发明专利:一种以生物胺为特征标志物鉴别蜂毒种类的方法ZL201610101614.8

11. 发明专利:基于山奈酚3-O-β-D-葡萄糖-(2→1)-β-D-葡萄糖苷鉴别蜂花粉的方法ZL201410403760.7

12. 发明专利:一种基于山奈酚3,4’--O-β-D-葡萄糖苷含量鉴别蜂花粉的方法ZL201410403985.2

13. 发明专利:一种基于异槲皮甙含量鉴别蜂花粉的方法ZL201410403217.7


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