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易建勇 导师简介

       博士招生专业:食品科学  研究方向:食品化学与营养、食品工程

硕士招生专业:食品科学、生物与医药  研究方向:食品化学与营养、食品工程

        一、 个人简历

        易建勇,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师。毕业于中国农业大学食品与工程学院,曾赴比利时荷语天主教鲁汶大学交流学习,现为中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所果蔬食品制造与营养健康团队科研骨干,先后主持或参加国家十四五国家重点研发、十三五国家重点研发、国家自然科学基金、农业部国家农产品质量安全专项、农业部行业(农业)科技专项、中国农业科学院创新工程等项目10余项,参加农产品加工领域规划20余项。鉴定成果5项,获中国商业联合会科技进步一等奖等省部级和社会奖励7项。在Food Chemistry、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Carbohydrate Polymers等国内外学术期刊上发表论文120篇,其中SCI收录40余篇,获国家授权专利50项,制定农业行业标准5项,参编著作5部。兼任中国食品科学技术学会休闲食品加工技术分会副秘书长,中国食品和包装机械工业协会休闲食品加工与智能装备专业委员会秘书长,中国食品科学技术学会非热加工技术分会理事等社会职务,国家冻干果品产业创新联盟副秘书长兼理事。

二、 主要研究领域


1. 果蔬绿色低碳优质干燥加工理论与品质调控技术

2. 果蔬低温加工理论与工程化技术

3. 果胶精细结构解析与理化功能特性


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,苹果果胶与水分子远近程互作协同抑制冰晶生长分子机制,32472275,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,高静压加工延缓绿芦笋木质化进程的作用机制研究,31301528,主持

3. 十四五国家重点研发计划任务,猕猴桃等特色浆果物流保鲜与加工关键技术研究,2022YFD1600704,主持

4. 十三五国家重点研发计划课题,果蔬类方便即食食品制造关键技术研究及新产品创制,2016YFD0400704,主持

5. 十三五国家重点研发计划项目课题,基于品质劣变控制的果蔬优质干燥技术与快速检测装置研发,2017YFD0400904,参与

6. 中国农业科学院农产品加工所所长基金,果蔬绿色节能优质组合干燥技术装备创新与产业化,S2019RCCG01,主持

7. 农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项子课题,特色热带果品压差膨化干燥技术研究与示范,201303077,参与

8. 农业部农产品质量安全监管(风险评估)项目,干制果品质量安全关键控制点探测与示范,2014FP11,主持

9. 农业行业标准《甘薯干》,NY/T 708-2016,参与

10. 农业行业标准《蔬菜加工名词术语》,NY/T 2780-2015,参与

11. 农业行业标准《脱水黄花菜加工技术规范》,NY/T 4333-2023,参与

12. 广东省重点领域研发计划项目,广东传统果品智能化绿色加工关键技术及配套装备研发与产业化,2020B020225006,参与

13. 三亚中国农业科学院国家南繁研究院南繁专项,农产品保鲜加工体系建设,项目编号:YDLH06,参与

14. 贵州省科技计划项目,营养健康高端水果休闲食品加工关键技术研发与产业化,黔科合中引地,[2024]025,参与

15. 兵团重点领域科技攻关计划,兵团特色果品冷链物流保鲜及精深加工关键技术研究与新产品创制,2019AB024,参与

16. 企业横向科技开发项目,蓝莓等优势特色农产品休闲食品创制及产业化,主要执行人

17. 企业横向科技开发项目,高效节能真空冷冻组合干燥技术装备研发及新产品创制,主要执行人

18. 企业横向科技开发项目,黄花菜精深加工关键技术与新产品研发,主要执行人

19. 企业横向科技开发项目,真空冷冻组合干燥技术装备研发及产业化,主要执行人



[1] Shuhan Feng, Jinfeng Bi*, Timo Laaksonen, Patrick Laurén, Jianyong Yi*. Texture of freeze-dried intact and restructured fruits: Formation mechanisms and control technologies. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2024, 143: 104267.

[2] Youchuan Ma, Jinfeng Bi*, Zhonghua Wu, Shuhan Feng, Jianyong Yi*. Tailoring microstructure and mechanical properties of pectin cryogels by modulate intensity of ionic interconnection. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 262: 130028.

[3] Youchuan Ma, Jinfeng Bi*, Shuhan Feng, Zhonghua Wu, Jianyong Yi*. Higher molecular weight pectin inhibits ice crystal growth and its effect on the microstructural and physical properties of pectin cryogels. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2024, 340: 122312.

[4] Shuhan Feng, Jinfeng Bi, Timo Laaksonen, Parick Laurén, Jianyong Yi*. Texture of freeze-dried intact and restructured fruits: formation mechanisms and control technologies. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 2024, 143: 104267.

[5] Shuhan Feng, Jianyong Yi*, Youchuan Ma, Jinfeng Bi. The role of amide groups in the mechanism of acid-induced pectin gelation: A potential pH-sensitive hydrogel based on hydrogen bond interactions. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 108741.

[6] Shuhan Feng, Jianyong Yi*, Youchuan Ma, Jinfeng Bi. Study on the ice crystals growth under pectin gels with different crosslinking strengths by modulating the degree of amidation in HG domain. Food Chemistry, 2023, 428: 136758.

[7] Shuhan Feng, Jianyong Yi*, Xinye Wu, Youchuan Ma, Jinfeng Bi. Effects of cell morphology on the textural attributes of fruit cubes in freeze-drying: Apples, strawberries, and mangoes as examples. Journal of Texture Studies, 2023, 54(5): 775-786.

[8] Shuhan Feng, Jinfeng Bi, Youchuan Ma, Jianyong Yi*. Effects of pectin and glucose on the texture properties and microstructures of freeze-dried restructured fruits: Pectin-glucose sponge as a model. Food Structure, 2023, 37: 10034.

[9] Youchuan Ma, Jinfeng Bi, Jianyong Yi*, Shuhan Feng, Jian Peng, Shaoqiang Zou, Shusong Guo, Zhonghua Wu. Modulation of ice crystal formation behavior in pectin-sucrose hydrogel by freezing temperature: Effect on ice crystal morphology and drying properties. Drying Technology, 2023, 41(11): 1771-1782.

[10] Youchuan Ma, Jianyong Yi*, Xin Jin, Xuan Li, Shuhan Feng & Jinfeng Bi. Freeze Drying of Fruits and Vegetables in Food Industry Effects on Phytochemicals and Bioactive Properties Attributes A Comprehensive Review. Food Reviews International, 2023, 39(9): 6611-6629.

[11] Qianqian Du, Jinfeng Bi, Jianyong Yi*, Yuanyuan Zhao, Shuhan Feng & Youchuan Ma. The role of fructose at a range of concentration on the texture and microstructure of freeze-dried pectin-cellulose matrix cryogel. Journal of Texture Studies, 2023, 54(5): 763-774.

[12] Yuanyuan Zhao, Jianyong Yi*, Søren Balling Engelsen, Xinye Wu, Youchuan Ma, Yuxia Guo, Qianqian Du, Xiaoyan Zhao & Jinfeng Bi. New insight into pectic fractions of cell wall: Impact of extraction on pectin structure and in vitro gut fermentation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 127515.

[13] Jingnan Zhu, Jian Peng, Jun Li, Lu Li, Jinfeng Bi, Wanyuan Yang, Jianyong Yi, Shupeng Chen, Yujuan Xu*, Qingqing Gu*. Comparison of different pretreatments on drying characteristics, physical properties, nutritional compounds and antioxidant activity of heat pump-dried longan pulp. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2023, 58(7): 3889-3901.

[14] Yuanyuan Zhao, Jinfeng Bi*, Jianyong Yi*, Jian Peng, Qiancheng Ma. Dose-dependent Effects of Apple Pectin on Alleviating High Fat-induced Obesity Modulated by Gut Microbiota and SCFAs, Food Science and Human Wellness, 2022, 11(1): 143-154.

[15] Youchuan Ma, Jianyong Yi*, Jinfeng Bi*, Xinye Wu, Xuan Li, Jiangkuo Li, Yuanyuan Zhao. Understanding of osmotic dehydration on mass transfer and physical properties of freeze-dried apple slices: A comparative study of five saccharides osmotic agents. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2022, 46(3): e16328.

[16] Shuhan Feng, Jinfeng Bi*, Jianyong Yi*, Xuan Li, Jiangkuo Li, Youchuan Ma. Cell wall polysaccharides and mono-/disaccharides as chemical determinants for the texture and hygroscopicity of freeze-dried fruit and vegetable cubes. Food Chemistry, 2022, 395: 133574.

[17] Shuhan Feng, Jinfeng Bi*, Jianyong Yi*, Xuan Li, Jian Lyu, Yuxia Guo, Youchuan Ma. Modulation of ice crystal formation behavior in pectin cryogel by xyloglucan: Effect on microstructural and mechanical properties. Food Research International, 2022, 111555.

[18] Shuhan Feng, Jianyong Yi*, Youchuan Ma, Jinfeng Bi*. Influence of starch with different degrees and order of gelatinization on the microstructural and mechanical properties of pectin cryogels: A potential pore morphology regulator. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 222(12): 533-545.

[19] Jian Peng, Jinfeng Bi*, JianyongYi*, Jian Lyu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Yujuan Xu, Yuanshan Yu. Characterization of tissue specific differences in cell wall pectic polysaccharides of carrot root. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e15331.

[20] Youchuan Ma, Jianyong Yi*, Jinfeng Bi*, Yuanyuan Zhao, Xuan Li, Xinye Wu, Qianqian Du. Effect of ultrasound on mass transfer kinetics and phenolic compounds of apple cubes during osmotic dehydration. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2021, 151: 112186.

[21] Shuhan Feng, Jianyong Yi*, Xuan Li, Xinye Wu, Yuanyuan Zhao, Youchuan Ma, Jinfeng Bi*. A systematic review of phenolic compounds in apple fruits: compositions, distribution, absorption, metabolism and processing stability, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69: 7–27.

[22] Yuanyuan Zhao, Jinfeng Bi*, Jianyong Yi*, Xinye Wu, Youchuan Ma, Ruiping Li. Pectin and homogalacturonan with small molecular mass modulate microbial community and generate high SCFAs via in vitro gut fermentation. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 269: 118326.

[23] Qiancheng Ma, Jinfeng Bi*, Jianyong Yi*, Xinye Wu, Xuan Li, Yuanyuan Zhao. Stability of phenolic compounds and drying characteristics of apple peel as affected by three drying treatments. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2021, 10: 174-182.

[24] Jianyong Yi, Yuanyuan Zhao, Jinfeng Bi*, Chunhui Hou, Jian Peng, Yuxia Guo. Evaluation of processing methods and oral mastication on the carotenoid bioaccessibility of restructured carrot chips. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2020, 100(13): 4858-4869.

[25] Jian Peng, Jinfeng Bi*, Jianyong Yi*, Karim Allaf, Colette Besombes, Xin Jin, Xinye Wu, Jian Lyu, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali. Apple juice concentrate impregnation enhances nutritional and textural attributes of the instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) dried carrot chips. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 9(14): 6248-6257.

[26] Jian Peng, Jinfeng Bi*, Jianyong Yi*, Xinye Wu, Mo Zhou, Yuanyuan Zhao, Jianing Liu. Characteristics of cell wall pectic polysaccharides affect textural properties of instant controlled pressure drop dried carrot chips derived from different tissue zone. Food Chemistry, 2019, 293: 358-367.

[27] Yuanyuan Zhao, Jinfeng Bi*, Jianyong Yi*, Xin Jin, Xinye Wu, Mo Zhou. Evaluation of sensory, textural, and nutritional attributes of shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes) as prepared by five types of drying methods. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2019, e13029.

[28] Yuanyuan Zhao; Jinfeng Bi *; Jianyong Yi*; Daniel M. Njoroge; Jian Peng; Chunhui Hou, Comparison of Dynamic Water Distribution and Microstructure Formation of Shiitake Mushrooms during Hot Air and Far Infrared Radiation Drying by LF-NMR and SEM. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99(6): 2826-2834.

[29] Min Xiao; Jinfeng Bi*; Jianyong Yi*; Yuanyuan Zhao; Jian Peng,; Linyan Zhou; Qinqin Chen. Osmotic pretreatment for instant controlled pressure drop dried apple chips: Impact of the type of saccharides and treatment conditions. Drying Technology, 2019, 7(39): 896-905.

[30] Xuan Liu#, Jianing Liu#, Jinfeng Bi*, Jianyong Yi, Jian Peng, Chunyuan Ning, Chandi Kanchana Deepali Wellala, Baiqing Zhang. Effects of high pressure homogenization on pectin structural characteristics and carotenoid bioaccessibility of carrot juice. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 201(1): 176-184.

[31] Jian Peng, Jianyong Yi*, Jinfeng Bi*, Qinqin Chen, Xinye Wu, Mo Zhou, Jianing Liu. Freezing as pretreatment in instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) texturing of dried carrot chips: Impact of freezing temperature. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2018, 89: 365-373.

[32] Jian Peng, Jinfeng Bi*, Jianyong Yi*, Xinye Wu, Mo Zhou, Jian Lyu, Jianing Liu, Engineering Texture Properties of Instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) Dried Carrot Chips via Modulating Osmotic Conditions. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2018, 11(9): 1674-1685.

[33] Yuanyuan Zhao, Jianyong Yi*, Jinfeng Bi*, Qinqin Chen, Mo Zhou, Biao Zhang. Improving of texture and rehydration properties by ultrasound pretreatment for infrared-dried shiitake mushroom slices. Drying Technology, 2018, 7(3): 352-362.

[34] Jianyong Yi#, Chunhui Hou#, Jinfeng Bi*, Yuanyuan Zhao, Jian Peng, Changjin Liu. Novel Combined Freeze-Drying and Instant Controlled Pressure Drop Drying for Restructured Carrot-Potato Chips: Optimized by Response Surface Method. Journal of Food Quality, 2018, 6157697.

[35] Min Xiao, Jianyong Yi*, Jinfeng Bi *, Yuanyuan Zhao, Jian Peng,. Chunhui Hou, Jian Lyu, Mo Zhou, Modification of Cell Wall Polysaccharides during Drying Process Affects Texture Properties of Apple Chips. Journal of Food Quality, 2018, 4510242.

[36] Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali#; Jian Peng#; Jinfeng Bi *; Jianyong Yi *; Yuanyuan Zhao, Effects of Instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) Drying on the Texture and Tissue Morphology of Fruits and Vegetables. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2018, 20180153.

[37] Jianyong Yi#, Lyu Jian#, Jinfeng Bi*, Linyan Zhou, Mo Zhou. Hot air drying and freeze drying pre‐treatments coupled to explosion puffing drying in terms of quality attributes of mango, pitaya, and papaya fruit chips. Journal of Food Processing & Preservation, 2017, 41(6): e13300.

[38] Jian Lyu#, Jianyong Yi#, Jinfeng Bi*, He Gao, Mo Zhou, Xuan Liu. Impacts of Explosion Puffing Drying Combined with Hot-Air and Freeze Drying on the Quality of Papaya Chips. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2017, 41(6): e13300.

[39] Kun Gao, Linyan Zhou, Jinfeng Bi*, Jianyong Yi, Xinye Wu, Min Xiao. Research on the Non-Enzymatic Browning Reactions in Model Systems Based on Apple Slices Dried by Instant Controlled Pressure Drop Drying (DIC). Drying Technology, 2017, 35(11): 1302-1311.

[40] Jian Lyu, Jianyong Yi, Jinfeng Bi*, Qinqin Chen, Linyan Zhou, Xuan Liu. Effect of sucrose concentration of osmotic dehydration pretreatment on drying characteristics and texture of peach chips dried by infrared drying coupled with explosion puffing drying. Drying Technology, 2017, 35(15): 1887-1896.

[41] Jianyong Yi, Haihong Feng, Jinfeng Bi*, Linyan Zhou, Mo Zhou, Jiankang Cao, Jun Li. High hydrostatic pressure induced physiological changes and physical damages in asparagus spears. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2016, 118: 1-10.

[42] Jianyong Yi, Daniel M. Njoroge, Daniel N. Sila, Peter K. Kinyanjui, Stefanie Christiaens, Jinfeng Bi, Marc E. Hendrickx*. Detailed analysis of seed coat and cotyledon reveals molecular understanding of the hard-to-cook defect of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Food Chemistry, 2016, 210: 481-490.

[43] Jianyong Yi, Ping Wang, Jinfeng Bi*, Xuan Liu, Xinye Wu, Yaoguang Zhong. Developing novel combination drying method for jackfruit bulb chips: instant controlled pressure drop (DIC)-assisted freeze drying. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2016, 9(3): 452-462.

[44] Jianyong Yi, Linyan Zhou, Jinfeng Bi*, Ping Wang, Xuan Liu, Xinye Wu. Influence of number of puffing times on physicochemical, color, texture, and microstructure of explosion puffing dried apple chips. Drying Technology. 2016, 34(7): 773-782.

[45] Jianyong Yi, Linyan Zhou, Jinfeng Bi, Xuan Liu, Qinqin Chen, Xinye Wu. Influences of microwave pre-drying and explosion puffing drying induced cell wall polysaccharide modification on physicochemical properties, texture, microstructure and rehydration of pitaya fruit chips, LWT – Food Science and Technology. 2016, 70: 271-279.

[46] Yunjing Guan, Linyan Zhou, Jinfeng Bi, Jianyong Yi, Xuan Liu, Qinqin Chen, Xinye Wu, Mo Zhou. Change of microbial and quality attributes of mango juice treated by high pressure homogenization combined with moderate inlet temperatures during storage. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2016, 36: 320-329.

[47] Linyan Zhou, Xiaoning Guo, Jinfeng Bi, Jianyong Yi, Qinqin Chen, Xinye Wu, Mo Zhou. Drying of Garlic Slices (Allium Sativum L.) and its Effect on Thiosulfinates, Total Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity During Infrared Drying. Journal of Food Processing & Preservation, 2016, 41(1): e12734.

[48] Linyan Zhou, Zhenzhen Cao, Jinfeng Bi, Jianyong Yi, Qinqin Chen, Xinye Wu, Mo Zhou. Degradation kinetics of total phenolic compounds, capsaicinoids and antioxidant activity in red pepper during hot air and infrared drying process. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2016, 51(4): 842-853.

[49] Xun Si, Qinqin Chen, Jinfeng Bi, Jianyong Yi, Linyan Zhou, Xinye Wu. Infrared Radiation and Microwave Vacuum Combined Drying Kinetics and Quality of Raspberry. Journal of Food Process Engineering. 2016, 39(4): 377-390.

[50] Jianyong Yi, Linyan Zhou, Jinfeng Bi*, Qinqin Chen, Xuan Liu, Xinye Wu. Impacts of pre-drying methods on physicochemical characteristics, color, texture, volume ratio, microstructure and rehydration of explosion puffing dried pear chips. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2015, 33: 139-41.

[51] Jianyong Yi, Linyan Zhou, Jinfeng Bi, Qinqin Chen, Xuan Liu, Xinye Wu. Influence of pre-drying treatments on physicochemical and organoleptic properties of explosion puff dried jackfruit chips. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2015, 53(2): 1120-1129.

[52] Junjie Yi, Jianyong Yi, Peng Dong, Xiaojun Liao, Xiaosong Hu, Yan Zhang. Effect of high-hydrostatic-pressure on molecular microstructure of mushroom (agaricus bisporus) polyphenoloxidase. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2015, 60: 890-8983.

[53] Yongtao Wang, Junjie Yi, Jianyong Yi, Peng Dong, Xiaosong Hu, Xiaojun Liao. Influence of pressurization rate and mode on inactivation of natural microorganisms in purple sweet potato nectar by high hydrostatic pressure. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2013, 6(6): 1570-1579.

[54] Jianyong Yi, Bin Jiang, Zhong Zhang, Xiaojun Liao, Yan Zhang*, Xiaosong Hu*. Effect of ultra high hydrostatic pressure treatment on the activity and structure of mushroom polyphenoloxidase. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012, 60(2): 593-599.


[1] Jinfeng Bi, Jianyong Yi, Shuhan Feng, Xin Jin, Xinye Wu, Youchuan Ma, Method for Adjusting Porous Structure and Texture of Freeze-Dried Pectin Aerogel, 2023-10-24, 美国, 国际专利, US11795242B1.

[2] 易建勇, 毕金峰, 吴昕烨. 食品级超高比表面积果胶冻干气凝胶多孔材料及制备方法, 2023-12-01, 中国, 发明专利, ZL202311636543.8.

[3] 易建勇, 毕金峰, 马有川. 具有调控冰晶生长效应的果胶多糖的制备方法, 2023-12-01, 中国, 发明专利, ZL202311636476.X.

[4] 毕金峰, 易建勇, 冯舒涵, 金鑫, 吴昕烨, 马有川. 调节冻干果胶气凝胶多孔结构和质构的方法, 2023-06-20, 中国, 发明专利, ZL202210816339.3.

[5] 毕金峰, 易建勇, 马有川, 陈芹芹, 吴昕烨. 提高冻干果蔬固体饮料高花色苷保留率的方法, 2023-10-23, 中国, 发明专利, ZL202210617140.8.

[6] 毕金峰, 易建勇, 李原, 李旋, 李卓豪. 不黏牙的真空冷冻干燥水果酸奶脆块的制备方法, 2023-09.26, 中国, 发明专利, ZL202210618176.8.

[7] 易建勇, 毕金峰, 郭玉霞, 金鑫, 李卓豪. 缓解重组果蔬脆块真空冷冻干燥过程塌陷皱缩的方法, 2023-08-08, 中国, 发明专利, ZL202210618168.3.

[8] 易建勇, 毕金峰, 冯舒涵, 吕健, 吴昕烨, 郭玉霞. 降低运输过程冻干再造型果块震荡破碎率的方法, 2023-03-19, 中国, 发明专利, ZL202210618167.9.

[9] 毕金峰, 易建勇, 李旋, 金鑫, 吴昕烨, 吕健. 改善真空冷冻干燥重组苹果脆片质构和色泽的方法, 2022-04-08, 中国, 发明专利, ZL202011403583.4.

[10] 毕金峰, 易建勇, 郭玉霞, 吕健, 李旋, 吴昕烨, 金鑫. 改善真空冷冻干燥重组芒果脆片多孔结构和质构的方法, 2022-04-05, 中国, 发明专利, ZL202011403560.3.

[11] 易建勇, 毕金峰, 李旋, 李卓豪, 吕健, 金鑫. 改善真空冷冻干燥重组草莓脆片色泽和质构品质的方法, 2022-04-05, 中国, 发明专利, ZL202011403582.X.

[12] 易建勇, 毕金峰, 陈芹芹, 郭玉霞, 吴昕烨, 张星, 李旋. 质构重组速溶果块及仿真浆果脆片的制备方法, 2022-04-12, 中国, 发明专利, ZL202011407450.4.

[13] Jianyong Yi, Jinfeng Bi, Qinqin Chen, Yuxia Guo, Xinye Wu, Xing Zhang, Xuan Li. Preparation Method of Texture Restructured Instant Fruit Cubes and Artificial Fruit Crispy Chips, 2022-07-08, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, 2027953.

[14] Jinfeng Bi, Jianyong Yi, Xuan Li, Xin Jin, Xinye Wu, Jian Lyv. Method for Improving Texture and Color of Vacuum Freeze-Dried Restructured Apple Crispy Chips, 2022-07-08, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, 2027961.

[15] 易建勇, 毕金峰, 赵圆圆, 吴昕烨, 李旋, 陈芹芹, 马千程. 提高肠道菌群多样性的苹果果胶杂多糖及其制备方法, 2021-03-04, 中国, 发明专利, ZL201911240909.3.

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