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研究方向: 果蔬采后品质调控与冷链物流


林琼,女,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所“珠峰计划”入选者,农产品保鲜与物流创新团队科研骨干。从事团队重点方向“果蔬物流减损与品质精准调控”的研究工作,包括基于代谢组的果蔬品质及加工适宜性评价、果蔬采后品质调控及鲜切产品保鲜技术开发。致力于研发果蔬保鲜减损关键技术,创制市场需求的高效保鲜剂和配套装备,解决果蔬贮运保鲜技术瓶颈与产业问题。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金、国家“十三五”和“十四五”计划重点研发专项子课题、研究所2022年“国之大者”重点科技行动专项任务等项目,参加省部级项目、行业标准及企业合作项目等10余项。以第一或通讯作者在Genome Biology (IF5-y > 20)、Food Chemistry、Postharvest Biology and Technology等杂志发表学术论文29篇;获得授权国家发明专利32项、实用新型专利1项,其中4项发明专利在企业转化;主编著作2本,副主编1本,参编3本;参与制定行业标准3项。



1. 基于多组学的果蔬品质及加工适宜性评价;

2. 果蔬采后淀粉-糖代谢机理及其控制技术;

3. 特色果蔬鲜切加工及保鲜技术开发;

4. 果蔬涂膜保鲜材料开发;

5. 果蔬冷链物流智能监控技术开发。

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“调控马铃薯低温糖化关键基因StBam1的转录因子筛选及功能研究(32072281)”,2021年01月至2024年12月,58万元,主持人;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金“马铃薯低温贮藏期糖代谢物质的亚细胞转运机制研究(31601527)”,2017年01月至2019年12月,21万元,主持人;

3. 国家“十三五”计划重点研发专项子课题“生鲜农产品风味品质变化与调控机制(2016YFD0400101)”,2016年07月至2020年12月,150万元,子课题主持人;

4. 国家“十四五”计划重点研发专项子课题“果蔬纳米复合涂膜材料与保质防腐技术研发(2022YFD2100105-4)”,2022年12月至2027年11月,60万元,子课题主持人;

5. 中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所2022年度“国之大者”重点科技行动专项“生鲜农产品数字仓储物流减损关键技术装备研发及应用(G2022-IFST-02)”,2022年07月至2025年07月,任务五负责人;

6. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费“果蔬鲜切加工关键技术与质量控制(S2022JBKY-03)”,2022年01月至2022年12月,10万元,主持人。







1. A metabolic perspective of selection for fruit quality related to apple domestication and improvement. Genome Biology, 2023, 24: 95.

2. Melatonin treatment reduces ethylene production and maintains fruit quality in apple during postharvest storage. Food Chemistry, 2020, 337: 127753.

3. Cuticular wax composition changes of 10 apple cultivars during postharvest storage. Food Chemistry, 2020, 324: 126903.

4. Combined transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of cold stress induced sugar accumulation and heat shock proteins expression during postharvest potato tuber storage. Food Chemistry, 2019, 297: 124991.

5. Effect of citronella essential oil fumigation on sprout suppression and quality of potato tubers during storage. Food Chemistry, 2019, 284: 254-258.

6. Effects of high CO2 in-package treatment on flavor, quality and antioxidant activity of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) during postharvest storage, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2017, 123: 112-118.

7. Transcription factor MdWRKY32 participates in starch–sugar metabolism by binding to the MdBam5 promoter in apples during postharvest storage. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021,69(49):14906–14914.

8. Phenolic profiling reveals the metabolite basis of flesh color and fresh‐cut browning in apple fruit. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2022, 57: 2257-2266.

9. Salicylic acid treatment inhibits ethylene synthesis and starch-sugar conversion to maintain apple fruit quality during shelf life. Scientia Horticulturae, 2023, 308: 111586.

10. Postharvest nitric oxide treatment induced the alternative oxidase pathway to enhance antioxidant capacity and chilling tolerance in peach fruit. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2021, 167: 113-122.

11. Analysis of phenolic components and related biological activities of 35 apple (Malus pumila Mill.) Cultivars. Molecules, 2020, 25: 4153.

12. Phytic acid treatment inhibits browning and lignification to promote the quality of fresh-cut apples during storage. Foods, 2022, 11: 1470.

13. Comparative transcriptomic profiling to understand pre- and post-ripening hormonal regulations and anthocyanin biosynthesis in early ripening apple fruit. Molecules, 2018, 23: 1908

14. Effects of nitric oxide treatment on flavour compounds and antioxidant enzyme activities of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) during storage. Food Quality and Safety, 2020, 4: 135-142.

15. Low temperature reduces potato wound formation by inhibiting phenylpropanoid metabolism and fatty acid biosynthesis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 13: 1109953.

16. Effects of (s)-carvone and gibberellin on sugar accumulation in potatoes during low temperature storage. Molecules, 2018, 23: 3118

17. UV-C treatment on physiological response of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) during low temperature storage. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2017, 54: 1-7

18. Heat shock transcription factors expression during fruit development and under hot air stress in Ponkan (Citrus reticulata Blanco cv. Ponkan) fruit. Gene, 2015, 559: 129-136

19. Transcriptome and metabolome analyses of sugar and organic acid metabolism in Ponkan (Citrus reticulata) fruit during fruit maturation. Gene, 2015, 554: 64-74

20. 纳米SiO2和聚乳酸/己二酸-对苯二甲酸-丁二酯共聚物复合材料包装袋对小白菜货架期品质的影响. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 2020, 46(1): 93-100

22. 褪黑素调控水杨酸和乙烯代谢维持沙果贮藏品质. 核农学报,2023


1. 2022,一种仔姜复合贮藏保鲜方法以及仔姜复合保鲜剂,202210867827.7

2. 2022,红星苹果保鲜果蜡及其制备方法和应用,2019106628765

3. 2022,保鲜箱,201710623938.2

4. 2022,苹果果实抗油腻化方法及组合物,202010140365X

5. 2019,能够抑制马铃薯还原糖积累的贮藏方法,201610670307.1

6. 2019,一种鲜切马铃薯的贮藏保鲜方法,201610115096.5

7. 2019,一种双孢菇的气调保鲜方法,201610206666.1

8. 2019,蔬果护色去皮装置,201610695139.1

9. 2017,家用尺寸可调式果蔬切条切片装置,201610035399.6

10. 2019,一种鲜切马铃薯的贮藏保鲜方法,201610115096.5


1. 2021,无花果采收贮运技术规范,农业行业标准,NY/T 3912-2021,第三完成人.

2. 2021,百香果冷链流通技术规程,供销合作行业标准,GH/T1342-2021,第三完成人.


兼任《Frontiers in Plant Science》、《Journal of Future Foods》、《Foods》等期刊客座编辑,组织园艺产品采后保鲜与冷链物流等专刊;任《Agriculture Communications》、《中国果菜》青年编委。



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